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May 02, 2023

Ready for a Change? Become a CXO Fellow and Enhance Your Leadership in Data

By CDO Council

"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." — Jane Goodall

If this sounds like you, the Chief Data Officers (CDO) Council might have just the perfect solution, through the CXO Fellows Program. Check with your agency POC for any internal application processes as well as find out more about the program and how to apply here. The application period for the FY 2024 CXO Fellows Program opens May 1 and ends on June 9th at 5 p.m. (EST). 

As a GS-09 to GS-13 employee (or equivalent) working in data, you have shown a good understanding of how the Federal Government operates and how to get the job done within your agency. Imagine taking that to the next level by meeting semi-monthly for one year with other rising leaders in the government data field as well as other areas such as IT, Human Capital, Finance, and Acquisition. Together, you will brainstorm with other data professionals ideas on how each one of you can develop your career and expand your network. The idea is simple but the positive impact each class of Fellows has on each other is dramatic. 

"The CXO Fellows Program helped me develop a strong network of trusted colleagues across government (who) I have called upon several times in the years since our time in the program ended. I have also helped numerous Fellows transition to other agencies, and provided them with career advice and guidance. This program helped me gain a greater appreciation for the importance of our civil service and the opportunity and responsibility we have to make an impact."
CXO Fellow Alumnus Brock Walker, Assistant Director of Capital Markets and Risk Share Management at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

The CXO Fellows Program offers participants training in new skills that will enhance your performance in your current job as well as help direct your career into leadership roles. The topics discussed by Fellows are chosen to prepare these rising leaders for new challenges in their professional life. 

"It is the best development program in government. It will broaden your perspectives on your data career in both your agency and in government as a whole, what it means to be a leader in civil service, the value in creating and maintaining relationships, and how you can take action to impact where you're at right now, including the next step in your journey developing yourself as a person and a leader."
CXO Fellow Alumnus Marcia Piñeda, Program Specialist with the U.S. Forest Service's Office of Civil Rights.

Fellows will learn new leadership skills, but more importantly they will learn how to put those skills into action. After all, an effective leader needs to be a great motivator and the ability to motivate others comes from having great people skills. Fellows improve these skills by interacting with other Fellows from other agencies to practice a governmentwide collaboration that is rarely experienced in our often-siloed agencies. The program also gives you the chance to share problem-solving strategies and build relationships — all skills you can leverage to develop your career. 

"The CXO Fellowship provided a solid foundation for me to continue to grow as a leader. The leadership tools and perspective I learned and refined during this experience will (help) me to continue to grow from a GS-13 on through to GS-14 and ultimately a GS-15. I feel that I learned so much over the last year that it will continue to foster career growth for many years to come."
CXO Fellow Alumnus Andrew Duff, National Park Service.

The CXO Fellows Program is an initiative of the CDO Council and other members of the Executive Councils. It is a great opportunity to invest in yourself and all it will cost you is your time, focus, and commitment to grow. 

To apply, candidates must: 

The application period for the FY 2024 CXO Fellows Program opens May 1st and ends on June 9th at 5 p.m. (EST).

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