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Success Stories

Zero Trust Data Security Guide

In October 2024, the CDO Council and the CISO Council released the Federal Zero Trust (ZT) Data Security Guide, a first-of-its-kind document and key deliverable of OMB M-22-09, Moving the U.S. Government Towards Zero Trust Cybersecurity Principles.

Building Trust and FAIRness Into The Process for Finding and Using Government Data Project

The Federal Chief Data Officers Council and the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology completed the Building Trust and FAIRness Into The Process for Finding and Using Government Data Project (FAIRness Project). The primary objective of the FAIRness Project is to make federal data more discoverable and useful by modernizing the Federal Government’s data cataloging system.

CDO Council Goals

The CDO Council shall meet regularly to establish governmentwide best practices for the management, use, protection, dissemination, and generation of data; promote and encourage data sharing agreements between agencies; identify ways in which agencies can improve upon the production of evidence for use in policymaking; consult with the public and engage with private users of government data and other stakeholders on how to improve access to data assets of the Federal Government; and identify and evaluate new technology solutions for improving the collection and use of data.

Agency Data Strategy Repository

In accordance with Action 2 of the Federal Data Strategy 2020 Action Plan, Federal Agencies are encouraged to develop and codify policies in support of data management. Agencies have accomplished this task through various approaches ranging from stand-alone published data strategies to integrated objectives within agency strategic plans. (*This resource is accessible to federal employees only).

The Progress and Promise of Federal Enterprise Analytics

In an era dominated by data, the role of the Federal Chief Data Officer (CDO) has emerged as pivotal and transformational, especially in the strategic management and utilization of data. This report examines success factors in implementing enterprise analytics across CFO Act agencies.

CDOs: Measuring Value and Impact

In the rapidly evolving landscape of government, Federal Chief Data Officers (CDOs) have emerged as crucial leaders tasked with harnessing the power of data to drive organizational success. However, the relative newness of this role brings forth unique challenges, particularly in the realm of measuring and communicating the value of their efforts. Drawing inspiration from diverse domains, this paper explores considerations for establishing Federal CDO performance metrics.

CDO Playbook

The Chief Data Officer (CDO) Playbook explores and defines the evolution of the federal CDO role. It provides new and existing CDOs with guiding principles, opportunities for quick wins, and best practices to navigate some of the key areas that CDOs should focus on today and over the next few years.

CDOC Public Meeting

The CDO Councils held a public meeting in 2021 to share information on its priorities and accomplishments. A number of agencies shared information about their data actions and the Evidence Act Councils discussed collaborative efforts in the Federal data space. The Council also introduced a Request for Information. A summary of comments is available here.

COVID-19 Coordination Working Group: Getting Started Guide

The COVID-19 Coordination Working Group’s “Getting Started Guide” helped agencies use data and analytics to support their COVID-19 tracking plans and reopening efforts. The guide used work performed by members of the working group to showcase interagency products, share lessons learned, and to identify new and useful data sources.

Data Ethics Framework

The CDO Council, with contributions from Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (ICSP) and the Federal Privacy Council (FPC), developed a Data Ethics Framework that can be used by federal leaders and data users as they make ethical decisions when acquiring, managing, and using data.

Data Inventory Report

The CDOC’s Data Inventory Working Group created a report to highlight the value proposition for data inventories and describe challenges agencies may face when implementing and managing comprehensive data inventories. Additionally, the report identifies the ways all agencies can overcome these challenges and includes a set of recommendations directed towards Agencies, OMB, and the CDO Council.

Data Sharing Report

The Data Sharing Working Group examined data-sharing practices across federal agencies and developed a set of guidelines for improving the methods to access and share data inside of and across agencies. Their findings include four key procedural and logistical recommendations for federal agencies which can be found in the report.

Data Skills Catalog

The Data Skills Catalog was developed to help agencies develop competencies for managing data as a strategic asset and making data-driven decisions by improving staff data skills so that agencies can better harness the power of data. The Catalog consists of two parts: Federal Data Lifecycle and Associated Skills, providing a common vocabulary of the data roles and skills in the Federal data ecosystem, and Federal Learning Opportunities, detailing select Federal data training and courses.

Data Skills Training Program Implementation Toolkit

The Data Skills Training Program Implementation Toolkit is designed to provide both small and large agencies with information to develop their own data skills training programs. The information provided can serve as a roadmap to designing, implementing, and administering federal data skills training programs.

Data Skills Training Program Case Studies

The Data Skills Training Program Case Studies were developed by the Chief Data Officer Council’s Data Skills Working Group to share examples of agency training programs and their successes and challenges. This could be especially useful to agencies as they develop data skills training gap-closing strategies.

HR Dashboarding Report

The CDO Council worked with the US Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Treasury, the United States Agency for International Development, and the Department of Transportation to develop a Diversity Profile Dashboard and a report to explore the value of shared HR decision support across agencies.

Public Comment Analysis Pilot

The CDOC worked with multiple agencies to test how state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques could help agencies analyze public comments. This pilot created a proof-of-concept tool for helping agencies find insights, efficiency, and cost savings in their comment analysis.

Wildland Fire Management Pilot

In 2021, the CDOC conducted a pilot project to explore the use of knowledge graphs to achieve more consistent and reliable fuel management performance measures. The data was drawn from a variety of different agencies and their collaboration improved land manager insight and effectiveness while serving as a foundation for future collaboration in the wildland fire community.

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